Music Lives : August 8 The Edge

Whatever you think of someone pretentiously calling themselves the Edge, he creates fantastical sonic atmospheres. At their best U2 are glued, with Himself often playing rhythm and lead simultaneously.

Andy Warhol: Ingrid Bergman as a Nun

Warhol, the part-time co-creatin inventor of the Velvets

Ms. Prior

Mr. Renbourn

An immense, understated presence, pivotal in the iconic band “Pentangle.”

Check the vintage beat up radio on the cover. Dial Records was a great soul label founded in Nashville early 1960’s. A holiday alternative to the knee-jerk, gift-giving stereotype then retooling it for everyday application. For those operating in other religious affiliations, just figure it out! Can also be outfitted for current gender transformations.

the Spoon had serious vocal chops and tons of creditable recordings