The Bop Shop 3.28.23 - Brother Theotis Taylor

Brother Theotis Taylor

brother theotis taylor, “only believe,”

from: the pitch/gusman records story, 2009

Gospel music poses some obvious problems for atheists and agnostics. If they see religion as some kind of fiction that obscures the true nature of the world, then it can only be seen as a nice try with feeling. A superbly overly simplistic analysis. That said, we have the phenomenon of Brother Theotis Taylor. As happens upon occasion, I was driving when I heard it for the first time, and was cosmically compelled to pull over and give it my full amazement. What is it about that falsetto? Just when the song was already triumphant enough, he reaches a recess within to emphasize the far-reaching point of a certain phrase. It’s clear sailing with Brother Theotis.