The Bop Shop 1.21.23 -Sweet Honey in the Rock-

sweet honey in the rock, “sweet honey in the rock, & “we are the ones”

from: sweet honey in the rock, 1976, & 25, 1998

Sweet Honey in the Rock are an all female, African American acapella gospel group founded in 1973 by Bernice Johnson Reagan. Other original members included Nitanju Bolade, Casel,Aisha Kahlil, Louise Robinson, Carol Lynn Mailla and sign interpreter Shirley Childress.
”The name of the group was derived from a song, based on Psalm 81:16, which tells of a land so rich that when rocks were cracked open, honey flowed from them. Johnson has said that this first song in which four women blended their voices was so powerful, that there was no question what the name of the group should be. The ensemble's most powerful messages are proclaimed through an enormous catalog of songs addressing the world's woes. They are currently occupied with immigration injustices, congressional greed and lack of compassion for citizens, the environmental imbalance, racial issues and women's issues.
