The Bop Shop 9.6.23 -The Gourds-

the gourds “hallelujah shine”

from: bolsa de agua, 2000

If you want to talk about it
you gotta go down there brother
If you want to sing about it
You gotta get in the water

If you want yer hallelujah shine
you gotta go under
You gotta go under Jordan’s mighty waters

This hallelujah shine is mighty dark & old

If you want to meet the Jesus
You gotta go down there brother
If you wanna meet Muhammad
You gotta get in the water

If you want yer hallelujah shine
you gotta go under
You gotta go under Jordan’s mighty waters

This hallelujah shine is mighty dark & old

If you want to know what Jesus did
you gotta go down there brother
If you want to meet the Buddha
& kill him on the road to glory

If you want yer hallelujah shine
you gotta go under
You gotta go under Jordan’s mighty waters
— Kevin Russell

Instruments made from gourds

It’s kind of funny how you find out about songs. We were out to see some friends in Minneapolis for a wedding. They took us out to a legendary bar called the Varsity to see their current favorite local band, The Swingin Front Porch Liquor Pigs. Anyway near the end of the night they pulled “Hallelujah Shine” out of their repetoire. Of course not wanting to let a chestnut like it get lost, after the show I screwed up my courage, went up to the lead singer and asked him where it came from. And now it lives on as a gift to you. The Gourds are no longer. They prospered in the legendary music city of Austin, Texas where there is no shortage of talented bands. Word is the Gourds were the favorite band of all the favorite bands. Here’s a taste of them live. Threw the studio version in because you need to hear this baby at least twice. And just for the record they were one of those groups in which everybody sang and all its members could play all of the instruments (i.e. the drummer played mandolin etc.). Forever a good sign experiencing a band!