The Bop Shop 9.3.23 -Barbara Barrow and Mike Smith-

Barbara barrows and Mike Smith “Osceola’s Last Words,”

From: Mickey and babs get hot, 1972

In a dungeon deep at St. Augustine Chief Osceola Wept,
For his people and his golden land, His body had not slept,
Then Wildcat Brother said, “Oh Chief I beg you go,
With me to stand against our mortal foe,
But Osceola raised his proud head high,
Said, “Do this ere I die.”

”Wildcat, Brother, to the grassy waters take the Seminole.
There no white man can invade to leave you lying dead and cold,
I shall not live among such evil men,
Who mock the sign of truce, this flag of white,
And honor not their given, sacred word,
My name will be the light.”

”The light that burns in every warrior’s soul in dark and hidden reaches,
They will never drive us from our land,
Nor drain our blood like leeches,
My spirit walks with those of you who die,
And those of you who always will remain,
Upon this bloodstained, blessed, flowered land,
To fight and fight again.”
— Will McLean 1964

This historical gem, written by Florida folk singer Will McLean in 1964, comes in an unlikely package. The record cover might not lead you to believe that such an impassioned hymn would be contained within it. Au contraire! From a fuzz guitar intro bed, with their defiant vocals, Ms. Barrow and Mr.Smith detail Osceola’s story with a blazing and righteous dignity. An obscure and artistic tribute to Native American defiant courage. The couple both had outstanding musical careers and were married for 52 years!